Update Notes #2 6/24/24

Here are the changes accomplished this week:

1. random path generation now works with zero (known) bugs!

 (feature will be implemented soon. There is a lot of work I have to do behind the scenes to get the game to use these paths. Until then check out what they can do here: https://depth-strider.itch.io/path-generation-demo)

2. Major stability enhancements behind the scenes:

  • Where possible I have swapped from paths that reference nodes to unique ID's that reference nodes (These are much harder to break when moving things around.
  • The functions involving the TD map now use variables to reference layers, terrain sets, dictionary indexes, etc. ; which means those assets can be changed with much greater ease and code is considerably more readable.
  • Instanced scenes and preloaded assets are now exported variables (so their files can be moved around in the editor. Said files are now organized too!)
  • In almost every instance, I prevented nodes from using get_parent() or find_parent() and get_child() or find_child(). There were some places where this wasn't reasonable, but mostly this is cleaned up, which should make the code less brittle. 

3. Fixed a major glitch where clicking was registering twice

(In the TD screen, this caused buttons to be made visible and be clicked with the same input, which was why previously the confirm build base button was offset to the top right.)

4. The pause screen now works when the game is running!

5. I spent about three days tweaking the controls for zooming and panning on the TD and exploration corners.

  • The middle mouse button now centers the camera
  • If the camera is zoomed out from it's starting position, the map automatically centers (and panning is prevented)
  • The margins for panning are now consistent, so the camera shouldn't be able to pan off into space and get lost
  • The margins for panning are also more than just visual. There is no wait time to move your camera one direction or another.
  • All of the zoom/pan functions are more general and modular now, which should allow for ease in implementing this feature elsewhere should the need arise.

6. I've added indicators for how many enemies (and of what type) the next wave contains in the TD corner.

7. Towers now sell for the resource of their color (should help balance a bit?)

8. Set up an EventBus for all signals.

 (This makes using signals to traverse the scene tree on runtime much easier. All existing signals were converted to this.)

9. Added developer login to settings page to allow access to cheats without having to relaunch game

10. Adjusted TD tower controls so that clicking anywhere on the map while viewing upgrades closes the upgrades but doesn't open the foundation building options for that place on the map.

11. Purchased Aseprite for development of better assets in the future. 


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